We should ask the question, what was Jesus’ view of scripture? This is important because to be a Christian is to be a disciple of Christ. His views on any number of topics (Jesus’ view of marriage, salvation, heaven & hell, etc.) must be our view. Jesus’ view of scripture must be our view of scripture. If we believe Jesus is wrong, then at whatever point we depart, we’re no longer his disciples, that is, Christians. In Matthew 19 Jesus was asked a question concerning his view on divorce. In his answer Jesus directs the Pharisees back to scripture and he quotes to them Genesis 2. This first demonstrates Jesus’ view that the creation design of Genesis 2 is normative for us today and ought to be our ethical standard. If we would be his disciples, then we must also hold to Jesus’ belief that marriage is between one man and one woman. Second, it’s notable that what Jesus quotes in verse 5, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” didn’t come from the mouth of God. In Genesis 2 it’s not prefaced with, “And God said.” It’s from the pen of Moses giving his own interpretation and ethical application of the creation account. Yet when Jesus quotes it, he attributes the words to God. “Have you not read that he who created them said?” Jesus’ view of the Bible is not that this was merely Moses’ opinion, but that what Moses wrote should be considered the word of God.
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