The true privilege for... all Christians, is... found in the eternal state of our souls. We have heard the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. We have been born again to new life in Christ by the work of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has blessed us with gospel preachers through whom we received this good news. Heaven is our home and Jesus is our great reward. Yet, while people groups all around the world languish in darkness, dead in sin, condemned to eternal Hell, the church seems endlessly distracted by questions about how to make our lives in America more equitable and prosperous. Friends, we need to recapture a better understanding of the glorious privilege that is ours in Christ. Paul understood this privilege well. Paul was commissioned and honoured to take this gospel to those who had never heard (Rom 15:20-21). He knew that he was indebted to all peoples. Paul wrote to the church at Rome, “I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise” (Rom 1:14).
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